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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of Week Check-In

It's a long weekend. It's been a long week. Here's some goofy shit I ran into recently. I hope you all have a good time this weekend and remember to take pics of weird stuff and send 'em in.

Mixed nuts;

This morning on the bus-

A guy digging out belly button lint. Thankfully, his own.

I found the pic of the lady and her Tonka-sized "yellow" flower.

Here's an old pic of some random ass t-shirt. The wearer was about 60. I'm not sure what the artist is trying to convey, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's a commentary on the general dissatisfaction of today's youth with the woman's right movement on the sea floor. Or that divers like boobies.

This guys not trying hard enough, the cars not even the right color.

Quotes of Note;

When asked by Alice what he would like to do for his birthday next week, my 11 year old said, and I quote exactly word for word, "Bacon." Now I have no idea how one goes about doing bacon, but I'm all about finding out.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's a tattoo, not a competition.

This is something that's been eating at me for a long time. I guess you could say I've been thinking about writing this long before I had an outlet for it and now I have a nifty new blog to unburden myself, and pass it on to you.
I have tattoos. I have what some of my friends and family would describe as a lot of tattoos. I don't personally think of them as "a lot" because I know many people that have lots more.
I love my tattoos, I love having them and I love getting them. I really enjoy the whole experience. The buzzing sound the machine makes, the smell of the inks, disinfectants, various soaps and the shop itself. Meeting and talking to the artist. Meeting and talking to the other tattooies in the shop. The process of the design. The feel, yes even that. The pain is a very real and special part. You get a rush from it, your body releases endorphins in response to the pain. You have to go inward and experience the pain but not let it bother you. It's wild. I love talking about tattoos. Everywhere I go someone asks me about them and usually leaves with more than they wanted to know.
The thing I hate about my tattoos is the assumption of competition. Just about everywhere I go someone is compelled to tell me about a brother, friend, guy that walks a dog or ex-boyfriend that has way more than I do. I get "Yeah, but I know this guy that has waaaay more than you do..." I don't care. I mean I really don't care. I am fully aware that there are thousands upon thousands of people that have more tattoos than I do. And I don't care. You know what? They don't care either. It's like people think there's some International Tattoo Championship(tm) at stake and they have to tell me I'm falling behind.
I've always wanted to tell the women that say these things to me, "My brother's girlfriend? Yeah, shes way prettier than you." Just out of the blue and total deadpan. "Hey, hows it going? Nice weather. Man, this girl I know has way bigger tits than you. Do you like the Who?". Guys could get the same thing. "You watch the DC United match last night? Wow, your sideburns look like you did them in the dark, this guy that walks my dog cuts his way better."
I'm not sure why people feel the need to let me know my position on the International Tattoo Championship(tm)leader-board but I can tell you no one with tattoos has ever told me about it. Maybe it's something I'm not meant to know about. Maybe somewhere out there in non-tattoo society they're keeping tabs and will give out an award after they all compare notes. I don't really know but if that's the case, I wish they'd hurry up and give it out 'cause I'm tired of hearing about it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week in review!

So this week I worked. Did laundry. Did dishes...yadda yadda yadda.
Really this was a week about setting boundaries for an ADHD addled 7 year old. He is not a fan. His mom and I are not a fan of his not being a fan. The circle begins.
Adventures on the bus;
As a public transportation guy I see a lot of goofy shit. I see people act in ways that I never thought I'd see. I'll try to dig up some pics of some of the nut jobs I've seen. Like the guy with his pants around his knees. No, not a teenager with bad fashion sense, just some random guy that could either hold onto the bus railing or his pants but, for some inexplicable reason, not both. Or the lady with a yellow plastic rose in her hair. It was as big as a Tonka Dumptruck and the color of pee in the snow. There was the person of indeterminate sex that had an old shoelace as a headband too.
Today we were at a light and the bus driver (who was really friendly and chatty) was telling a young woman at a stop that she was too pretty to be smoking a cigarette. She said it was because of stress and the bus driver was just beginning to tell her stress is a choice (I generally agree) when the woman next to her cut in yelling "We don't want to talk to you! Get your ugly black ass out of here!". The younger woman and everyone on the bus started laughing. The young lady then started saying she didn't know the old crazy lady. The crazy lady was flipping out telling the bus driver to leave (the light was still red), screeching, and giving us all the finger and everyone on the bus was telling the young lady to give the old crazy lady a cigarette 'cause obviously she was the one who was stressed out. At any rate it was a trip. The bus driver was cool about the whole thing and didn't really seem bummed about it. I told him he needed some water balloons for this kind of shit. I think he's gonna get some. If it were me, I'd have hit the bitch with a rock.

People watching;
A guy playing air keyboard outside the Giant. No music. No headphones. Dude was jamming though.
Lady fishing in her lawn. No water. No bucket to cast into. Just sitting and reelin' it in, real slow. I wanted to ask if they were biting today but something about the scene reminded me of a Far Side strip and I went on about my businesses.
That's about it for my week. I'll probably remember some more details later and put them in next weeks and as I do this more, I'll take notes and fill you in on some more of the questionable members of my community.

Ahhh, parenting.

The lady had it right. "Kids suck." Raising kids is not what's its cracked up to be. You work all week to make money to buy the little fuckers food. You work all night to keep the house safe and clean. You work all day to educate them. You make the picky bastards one of the two things they actually eat every night for dinner. And do the dishes they leave on the table. Then, when you have the audacity to ask them on Sunday to clean their room, you get "you suck, jackass."

Remind me why I can't beat them?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is a test.

This is a test to see if I can post from my mobile. It's prolly best to just ignore it.
Testing. Testing 1 2 3.


So that's that out of the way.
What this blog about? What in God's name do I have to write about? Do I really need to be so rude and use such foul language? What's up with the burrito obsession?
I imagine most people that will read this know me and know what to expect. I'm not necessarily rude, I'm just direct. This will be a sort of long running status update. I'm going to try to do a week in review and tell you all about my week. I'll probably do one a month. And get the details wrong. But hey, you want accuracy, go somewhere else.
I'll be learning how to do HTML stuff so expect a lot of dead links and broken pages. But again, it's not like your here to learn the secret of living well.
I encourage comments as they are the way to keep us in touch until a better social network destroys FB. I'm going to try leaving the comments un-modded so play nice(ish). There's not much you can say that will offend me, and I don't really care if you offend my other friends that read this, so have at it. But remember I do have the power to delete stuff that goes over the line. So yeah, tremble at that.
Check out the side bar for the blogs I read and some sites that I frequent. I will update them from time to time. I'll link to your blog's if you'd like, or not if you don't want me to. Whatever. Just lemme know.
Also, feel free to post interesting links to stories or videos or whatever-the-hell. I really would like this to be a fun place to check everyday, so participation is key. Share. Talk. Debate. Meet each other. Most of all, have some fun damnit.
Welcome, folks, to
Gavin's House of Fun.

Wow, I leave Facebook because of privacy and now I'm posting for all the world to see.

So I left Facebook (well, in a week I'll leave, a few days to tell people about this) and am goning to start blogging. About what I hear you ask? Well, I dunno. Whatever the hell I'm thinking about at the time I guess. If you were my friend on FB you'll be familiar with my snarky-smartass kind of humor. If not, well, you'll soon see.

So why did I leave FB? Because of the privacy bullshit. They are selling my info, and yours, to third party advertisers. Google it. Here's a few links to read about it and other ways FB shows what it thinks about you;

A NY Times piece

Wiki is a "good" source of info

Here's one about what FB is doing about the outcry;
I feel like it's too little too late.

Do your self a favor and do some simple things to protect your self. Heres some quick ones;

10 Things you should do

Here's a good one too. It tells you if your settings are good or not, also has a lot of info on what FB is up to.

And there's the first post. Now we can start to have fun.