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Sunday, September 5, 2010

End The Stupid Sale Card!

Remember when shit just went on sale? We didn't need any of those stupid club cards or tags on our key chains? Or, god help you, trying to remember what phone number you put on what account. Man I'd love a way to do away with them.
Its all for tracking anyway. Stores just want to know what you buy so they can stock stuff for you. But they never have what you want and even if they do, it never goes on sale.
So how to defeate the system? Simple. Imagine if all the cards had one phone number. Sure your Giant, Safeway, CVS and Rite Aid cards all have the same phone number already, but I mean ALL the cards. What if whenever you had to apply for a new card it was with the same phone number everyone else used.? Yep, then you probably wouldent need to apply in the first place.
So here's the plan. Change your existing accounts so that your phone number is 123-456-7890. Think about it, do you want some random-ass store to have a record of your phone number anyway? And the only real reason to have a single account that I can see is that Giant has a buy 6, get 1 free gallon of milk twice a year. I'm not that hard up for milk. And anyway, if enough people do this the stores will shit milk.
So throw off the shackles of tags on your key chains and empty your wallets of pounds of plastic club cards! Spread the word and join the movement. Change your numbers and tell your friends too as well. If we can get enough people to do this we might just be able to do away with the whole club card bullshit altogether.