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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shopper Profiling.

I went to Target (pronounced tar-zhə' ) the other day to pick up a few things. One was Alice's birth control prescription. At Target you have to pay for your RX at the RX counter. And at Target you get those little coupons just like at the grocery store. I got a coupon for laundry detergent after buying birth control. I was amused at first but quickly became pretty mad. The coupons you're given are based on what you buy. So here's Target giving out laundry detergent coupons to women. Obviously women need laundry detergent, laundry is obviously womenfolk's work. I was quickly becoming enraged at the audacity.

Then something occurred to me. I was the one actually buying the birth control and I'm the one that does laundry at home.

Well played Target. Well played.


  1. it would be a bit disconcerting if you bought the birth control and they gave you a coupon for diapers...

  2. Great post, Gavin. Great comment, Dan. I'm sure I had something wonderfully witty I was going to say, but I forgot...


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